
Catch me not when I fall..
Take a fall with me instead..
And we’ll rise to heights unknown..
Together.. You and I.

Save me not when it seems like I’m drowning..
Jump in with me instead..
And we’ll swim ashore..
Together.. You and I.

Wipe my tears not..
Cry with me instead..
And when we’re done mourning..
We’ll celebrate.. You and I.

Applause not when I dance..
Dance with me instead..
Let’s take one step at a time..
Together.. You and I.

Save me not..
I can do that..
You don’t need to be my hero..
You can be my companion..
And I yours.

We can fall and swim and cry and dance together..
I can be my ugliest and truest self..
You can be your darkest and honest self..
We can rise to our dreams..
Together.. You and I.